Jetstream is a 2008 documentary television series produced by Paperny Films for the network Discovery Channel Canada. The series totals 8 episodes and premiered on January 8, 2008. The series was narrated by Canadian Actor Kavan Smith.
Seven of the eight pilots are graduates of the Royal Military College of Canada:
⁕21810 Capt. Michael "Floater" M.R. Lewis
⁕21955 Capt. Riel "Guns" K. Erickson;
⁕22537 Capt. Yannick "Blow" Jobin;
⁕22542 Capt. Tristan "T-bag" Mckee;
⁕22715 Capt. Timothy "Nail'n" B. Coffin;
⁕22821 Lt. Dave "Tickler" McLeod;
⁕22848 Capt. Shamus "Carney" T. Allen
The series was released on DVD in 2008.