Bizarre: A Circus Story
Bizarre: A Circus Story


An intimate look at the extraordinary life of Master Lu Yi, hailed as the father of modern acrobatics, and the vast community of big-top lovers who share his dream of a thriving US circus industry.
Lu Yi
Joe Dieffenbacher
Self - Professional Clown
Xia Ke Min
Self - Master Clown, Acrobat, Juggler
Harriet Heyman
Self - Journalist, Author
Judy Finelli
Self - Master Juggler
Elena Panova
Self - Master Aerialist
Joan Mankin
Self - Professional Clown, Actress
Abigail Baird
Self - Aerial Animation
Andy Cook
Self - Aerial Animation
Haley Viloria
Self - Professional Contortionist and Aerialist
Dan Griffiths
Self - Professional Clown
Xiaohong Weng
Self - Professional Acrobat
Matthew Richardson
Self - Professional Aerialist and Cyr Wheel Artist
Noe Zavala
Self - Professional Mime
Eve Diamond
Self - Professional Aerialist
Derrick Gilday
Self - Professional Clown and Acrobat
Allison Daniels
Self - Professional Clown, Acrobat, Puppeteer
Jon Deline
Self - Professional Clown, Actor
Mikayla Dinsdale
Self - Aerial and Contortion Youth Performer
Leah Orleans
Self - Professional Clown, Acrobat and Aerialist
Brad Post
Self - Former Circus Center Board President
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